
Control Business

The Strategy to Control the Company Operational Flows
The IntegratorWP® objective is to increase company productivity by systematizing the integration among business processes, employees and legacy systems, thus optimizing...
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IntegratorWP® - Managing Business Processes
The IntegratorWP® system allows companies from different market segments to improve and enhance their operational processes...
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Automated Workflow Goes Enterprise
Capabilities for decision support, audit ability, and real-time process monitoring all add considerable value to these applications, making them far more powerful than the manual processes they replace...
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Integrating Legacy Systems
The company is more effective as long as the interaction among your personnel, systems, data, partners and customers happens with fluidity and agility...
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IntegratorWP® and Your Technical Team
The development of the IntegratorWP® project was led by highly qualified professionals, who are
currently responsible for the BPM solution’s continued evolution teams...

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White Paper for Developers
IntegratorWP® is a workflow based platform for the development of integration and system applications...
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Files available in PDF format.
If necessary, download the software here.